Do it, or do not;
there is no try.
There is plenty of try on the path, but start walking it, that's what you just have to do.
Interested in discovery methodologies that have a customer-centric value perspective
and use that in applications for sales and the growth of brands, institutions and business organizations. I'm a tech entrepreneur helping startups, and businesses who want to scale their positive impact with market fitness.
Enduring Growth for Your Business
Underperforming growth doesn't come about because of simple binary choices between being good or mediocre in the past. They come about largely because of lack of awareness what drives growth sustainable. When you consequently put the process and insights about your customers in the center of your growth strategy you will ultimately get to identify value-driving decision points for your sales process and growth initiatives and to choose better, just through being more informed and deliberate.
Frequently asked questions
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and please also let me know what you found most helpful! That would make my day!
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Jep, I offer business consulting as a Growth and Sales Advisor to organizations that want sustainable growth through a customer-centric approach, i.e. growing revenue by delivering the most value to the their ideal customers. Visit my business site here.
You sure can have it, too! I am associated with an amazing agency for video and content marketing.
This blog is made using Webflow to build the site, with Finsweet's client-first and Relume style system. It is transformed with 11ty to a static site using the Udesly adapter (and the sweat of their support team). The files are managed by GitHub. It is hosted by Netlify and the NetlifyCMS helps me manage some of the content when I'm not writing posts in Markdown directly, that get synced and managed using Git and GitHub. I love it because it combines what is most convenient for me when it comes to the merger of content, code, and design.